(Easy the breathing)

Mycoplasma gallisepticum transmitted through eggs but organisms can also pass from bird to bird through nasal discharges and through droppings. It can also be transmitted by hands, feet and clothes of attendants of visitors. Uncomplicated CRD is frequently sub-clinical. When symptoms are present they are normally milk in nature and include coughing, sneezing, and a nasal discharge. Sinuses are frequently swollen.

CRD is specific disease caused by one of the group of organisms known is pleuro pneumonia like organism (PPLO), but more closely defined is Mycoplasma; the particular organism directly associated with CRD is Alycoplasma gallisepticum. It is used again also virus and bacteria.


  • For the prevention of respiratory problems
  • Recovery from respiratory infections along with specific therapy
  • Curing all type of cough, influenza, chronic bronchitis
  • Improve immunity
  • Overcomes from stress
  • Promotes growth and weight gain and prevents CRD.
  • To relief from symptoms associated with CRD like sniffing, rattling, sneezing, coughing & other signs of respiratory distress
  • Used again also virus and bacteria


Poultry and Swine Preventive

  1. ml/ 8.0 Litter of drinking water


  1. ml/ 4 Litter of drinking water

Spray Method

20 ml/ Litter water and spray 2500 birds twice weekly with fine nozzle


500 ml, 1 L and 5 L

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