Valerian Root Oil


Valeriana officinalis


Steam Distillation


Olive Green or Olive Brown color

Valerian is an herb, which grows in grasslands and commonly found in its native regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Scientifically, the herb is known as Valeriana officinalis and carries tremendous medicinal benefits.

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Properties of Valerian Root Oil

The Valerian Root oil possesses a number of properties like anodyne, anti-dandruff, diuretic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, depressant of the central nervous system, hypnotic, hypotensive, regulator, sedative, and stomachic.

One of the reasons forthe popularity of Valerian Root oil is that it readily blends with a number of Essential Oils. The Valeriana Officinalis blends well with the following essential oils: patchouli oil, oakmoss oil, pine oil, lavender oil, cedarwood oil, mandarin oil, petitgrain oil, and rosemary oil.

Uses & Benefits of Valerian Root Oil

Due to its amazing health benefits, Valerian Root Oil is widely used for the listed purposed making a huge impact.  Researchers believe that the Valerian Root Oil aids in enhancing the levels of GABA in the body, which provides a calming effect in the body.

  • Sleeping disorders such as insomnia, which is basically an inability of a person to sleep, Valerian Root Oil not only helps you to sleep well but also fall asleep a few hours prior to your routine time.
  • Gives relief from Anxiety
  • It enables you to get rid of your
    • Stress
    • Nervousness
    • Trembling
  • It heals Headaches
  • It is useful in flavouring food and beverages

Safety Precaution

The use of Valerian Root Oil is strictly not recommended for

  • Pregnant Ladies
  • Children below 3 years

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