Vanilla Oil – Organic

Vanilla planifolia

Steam Distillation


Deep Brown, Rich, Sweet, Vanilla-like odor

Vanilla oil shows many therapeutic properties such as it help to regulate the menstruation cycle, provide relief from nausea, and heals wound fast. We are globally recognized for supplying qualitative Vanilla oil to customers. Obtained via the solvent extraction method from the vanilla beans, the oil is 100% pure and safe to use.


Vanilla is a perennial and herbaceous climbing vine that grows to a height of 25 m. The plant belongs to the family of Orchidaceae. It has flowers that are deep trumpet-shaped.

Comparison Between Organic & Conventional

How Crop is Grown Organic Conventional
No toxic & persitient pesticides X
No synthentic growth hormones X
No petroleum-based fertilizers X
No cloning X
How Product is Processed Organic Conventional
No artificial colors or flavors
No artificial preservatives
No irradiated products/ingredients

Strength of Aroma: A base note of strong aroma, smell rich and warm and possesses a sweet vanilla aroma.

Blends With

Most essential oils including mints, citrus, spicy, woodsy oils.

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