We are the most reputed name in the industry to produce and supply the top quality Cinnamon Bark Oil in different states of India and all across the world. It is an essential oil that is derived from the Arabic word “amomon”. It is hot oil with various benefits. It protects the respiratory tract, muscles, and immune system, preventing them from any kind of infection. The oil has a high value in aromatherapy due to its antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and carminative properties. Cinnamon Bark is cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia.
Cinnamon Bark Oil is extracted from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It is yellow or brown and has a woody essence. The oil is extracted through the process of steam distillation. At Verdure Biotech, the product is processed and manufactured by following the best practices specified by the industry. It is recognized and used by some of the leading brands across the world.
Nutritional Value
The main ingredients present in Cinnamon Bark Oil are Cinnamaldehyde, Caryophyllene, and Eugeonal.Due to the presence of these rich elements, the oil acts as a powerful antifungal and antibacterial agent. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Even Vitamins like Vitamin E, a powerful anti-stress agent, is an important constituent of the oil.
Uses of Cinnamon Bark Oil
- Cinnamon Bark Oil is used in various applications like
- Creams, soaps, and lotions due to fresh fragrance and ingredients
- Aromatherapy purposes for providing social, mental, and physical awareness
- Culinary preparations and flavoring agent in different food types
Benefits of Cinnamon Bark Oil
There are innumerable uses of Cinnamon Bark Oil as given below:
- Boosts immune system: Due to its anti-bacterial properties,the oil helps boost the immune system.It also prevents the body from many harmful infections that cause severe diseases. It acts as a natural disinfectant with a nice fragrance.
- Supports Respiratory System: If one is suffering from symptoms of cold, cough, flu, infection in the throat, or any severe problem then Cinnamon Bark Oil can do wonders. It can provide relief from infection in throats and lungs.
- Proper Oral Health: Cinnamon Bark Oil provides relief from pain in gums, anything that causes plague, and bad odor in the mouth. The oil has anti-bacterial abilities. A few drops of the oil should be mixed with mouthwash and used for gurgling regularly.
- Relieves Pain: Cinnamon Bark Oil can be effectively used at home during winter times as a pain reliever with its few drops mixed with another carrier oil. It needs to be made hot and massaged properly on the infected areas like joints and muscles.
- Helps in Improving Cardiovascular Health: Cinnamon Bark Oil helps in improving the blood circulation of the body. It maintains a healthy condition of the heart, exhibits a lower and higher level of cholesterol, and boosts up the entire condition of the chest.
- Promote Relaxation: Due to its warm and uplifting properties, it promotes relaxation and removes stress or any kind of anxiety. It brings change in mood and helps fight severe depression and other kinds of disorders. It promotes good sleep, provides relief from stress, and gives a soothing effect to the body and mind.
- Sorts Digestive Issues: The oil is used since ancient times to solve multiple kinds of stomach related issues like constipation, nausea, diarrhea, and various types of stomach pains. Massaging this oil in the lower abdomen region the right way helps achieve desired results.