(Multiple strain Probiotic)

(Multiple strain Probiotic)

Poultry probiotics are defined as live microorganisms causing no pathological disorders and promoting enteric microbiota balance optimizing function of enteric epithelia and mucosal immunity, which is an important first line of defense against the intrusion of enteric pathogens.There are also a few multi-genus products available, but due to the complexity of cultivation and stabilization, these products are rare. The modes of action of the various probiotic species differ between performance enhancement and gut health improvements, including competitive exclusion of pathogens.

The lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB), for example Lactobacillus spp. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This attachment is important for the early development of the immune system as it is a time when the system is being imprinted in regard to its function. With 70% of the chicken’s immune system in the intestine, rapid development of this system is important to the future gut health of the bird.

Bacillus spp. are not colonizing bacteria but transient microorganisms. This means they are unable to attach to the epithelial layer of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inherently limiting any direct immune modulation in the bird.

Astragalus membranaceus root improves growth performance, antioxidant status, and serum metabolites of poultry.


  • Probiotics delivered to chicks at an early age can help establish a beneficial gut microbiota and set birds on the right path for development.
  • Application of probiotics in adult birds also provides benefits including resistance to health challenges and better flock uniformity.
  • Opportunistic bacterial challenge
  • Coccidiosis
  • Heat stress
  • Antibiotics reduction
  • Probiotics used as Gut health


Poultry and Swine .

500 – 1000 gm per Ton of feed


1kg and 25 kg

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